Change Takes… However Long You Want it to!

Change Doesn't Take Time - Grace Olivia Parry

The biggest lie you’ve ever been told is that change takes time.

It doesn’t.

And when it does, it’s because you’ve decided it takes time.

You can change your habits, image, personality, behaviour, style, energy, mindset, and health whenever you want.

You can change quite literally overnight.

Or you can take a year to change.

It’s entirely up to you.

The way you choose to see the idea of change is how you’ll approach it – and that’s a fact of life that we all get to work with (whether we choose to make that for our betterment or not).

And I stand by this statement so fiercely because I’ve seen it relentlessly play out over and over and over again. Both in my own life and among my clients.

It Gets to be Easy

Truth be told, I haven’t always let change be easy for me. I’m the first to admit I’ve clung on to old beliefs and narratives for far longer than I needed to (umm hello comfort blanket and the warm hug of a trauma cycle, how are you old friend?).

There have been times when I felt like I needed to do it to process or learn – but every single time I come out the other side of change, I always laugh at the fact that I undoubtedly made it harder than it needed to be.

Not because of life circumstances, not because I’m about to blame something outside of me, or have some kind of ‘reason’ for why I chose to make it that way – but because it was the decision I made.

One of my best traits is that I don’t make excuses. Not for myself, nor others. I own my sh*t. And I grow and bounce back insanely quickly because of it.

Does that mean I have the superhuman ability to change overnight anytime I want to? No, of course not. Because I am still human and I sometimes choose to go through the motions to learn the things and develop the skills and gain the insights – even if it is very rare for me to do it these days.

Does that mean I push myself through the discomfort and doubt (yes, we all have it no matter what level we’re at) every single time I’m ready for a new challenge or to address something I know isn’t serving me? You can bet your Birkin bag I do!

Tears, tantrums, skinned knees and all – you know I’ll drag myself through it when I have to Although – as a bit of a PSA – we also get to choose to let change feel scary and enormous, or we can choose to make it exciting and liberating (and as you can imagine, I tend to adopt the latter).

Making the Choice

So when you next decide that you want to meet your dream partner, increase your income, shake up your business, shape up your body, change up your style, or burn your entire life down to the ground and move halfway around the world to sip cocktails on a beach, remember that you have a choice.

You can choose to make it easy or hard.

You can choose to change now or let it take time.

You can choose to sabotage yourself and tell yourself stories of why it won’t work or why you’re not good enough and convince yourself that you need to ‘be prepared’ and that it’ll take time.

Or, you can do it now and do it scared (lord knows I’m always scared).

You can take action today and see the change today.

You can open your heart to the possibility of true love or do that first workout or map out a better business model or research new style ideas or look up flight times right now.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking change means a new outcome – it doesn’t.

Change means taking that first step, doing things a little differently, and – most importantly of all – embracing a brand new way of looking at yourself, the world, and what you want.

There’s so much power in that decision. And it’s ultimately that one decision that brings you the change you’re looking for.

Yes, you have to clear up all the funky stuff that’s telling you it’s not that easy. But when you want it bad enough and you’re willing to quiet the noise, change starts to become very easy indeed.

Go get it girl!

Food for thought…

So when I say ‘You can change your habits, image, personality, behaviour, style, energy, mindset, and health whenever you want’ – what exactly do I mean? And is it really that easy?

The answer is yes it really is that easy. And that’s because you get to make that change in any moment by simply making a decision.

I know because I’ve done all eight over and over and over again whenever I’ve felt like I’ve wanted to. I’m forever my own guinea pig for what I teach and a true embodiment of what I preach.

As humans, we’re programmed to evolve – meaning it’s natural for us to change over and over and over again. And as soon as we embrace that change doesn’t take time, the easier it becomes.

Want to go deeper?

Learn the exact techniques you need to make lasting change.

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In this training, you’ll discover the foundations of my core work in self-worth, confidence, and identity. Join me May 20th-22nd by signing up here.


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